Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation - Biruni Üniversitesi

Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation

    Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation


    Aim of the program is to contribute to participants for becoming national and international level specialized physiotherapist who follows the scientific and technological developments in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation; has advanced and deep knowledge, skills and attitude in education, research and applications; has ability to integrate his/her knowledge to clinical and scientific researches and ability to interpret the results of those researches; adopts lifelong learning; has ability to contribute to education programs in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

    Graduation Requirements

    In order to graduate from the master’s program with thesis, at least 7 courses and seminar courses must be taken, one of which is a course covering scientific research methods and publication ethics, with a total of 120 ECTS credits; The thesis work must be accepted in the defense before the jury.

Son güncelleme tarihi 22 Kasım 2022 Sal., saat 15:52