Clinical Embryology - Biruni Üniversitesi

Clinical Embryology

    Clinical Embryology


    Purpose of the program; to provide students with basic knowledge on issues related to reproduction and developmental biology in the field of Histology and Embryology and their applications in scientific research.


    Admission Conditions and Documents Required

    • To be graduated from medicine, biology, molecular biology and genetics, pharmacy and veterinary faculties.
    • To have at least 55 points from ALES in the type of program applied for or to have an equivalent score from an exam accepted as equivalent by the Council of Higher Education.


    Graduation Requirements

    In order to graduate from the master’s program with thesis, at least 7 courses and seminar courses must be taken, one of which is a course covering scientific research methods and publication ethics, with a total of 120 ECTS credits; The thesis work must be accepted in the defense before the jury.

Son güncelleme tarihi 22 Kasım 2022 Sal., saat 15:47