Occupational Therapy - Biruni Üniversitesi

Occupational Therapy

    Occupational Therapy


    The Occupational Therapy license department aims to educate occupational therapists who can design individual and group-centered occupational therapy field-specific evaluation and treatment modalities, home, work and environment modifications aiming at increasing obstacles-specific activity planning and application and perform sensory perception motor approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders. The necessary knowledge and skill sub-structure is provided with the theoretical and practical applied courses given during the education process.

    Admission Conditions and Documents Required

    • Having a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy,
    • Having received a minimum of 55 points in the Ales exam.


    Graduation Requirements

    In order to graduate from the master’s program with thesis, at least 7 courses and seminar courses must be taken, one of which is a course covering scientific research methods and publication ethics, with a total of 120 ECTS credits; The thesis work must be accepted in the defense before the jury.

Son güncelleme tarihi 22 Kasım 2022 Sal., saat 15:42