Biostatistics - Biruni Üniversitesi




    Biostatistics aims to graduate Master of Science program, training at the universal level, present research has reached in a sufficient level, opened to development in the domian, able to converse with people who work together, necessary independent, which may be necessary to fulfill the requirements of collaborative responsibility, knowledgeable, intellectual, ethically and also projcet to educate spesialist in the fields of Biostatistics. The objectives of this program is to educuate studends have basic theoretical knowledge of biostatistics, ability for application of methods, interpret the results of analysis, to prapere and cunduct the research projcet and also to use statistical packet programs.

    Graduation Requirements

    To graduate from the master’s program with thesis; at least 7 courses and seminar course must be taken, one of which is scientific research method and publication ethics, provided that not less than 120 ECTS credits in total and The thesis work must be accepted in the defense before the jury.

Son güncelleme tarihi 22 Kasım 2022 Sal., saat 15:39