Nutrition And Dietetics - Biruni Üniversitesi

Nutrition And Dietetics

    Nutrition And Dietetics


    The main purpose of postgraduate education in nutrition and dietetics is to train dietitians who have academic qualifications and can follow scientific developments. With the full-time education given for this basic purpose, it is aimed that individuals can follow the current developments in their fields, improve themselves, and have the statistical information they need to use in scientific research.

    Admission Conditions and Documents Required

    • Have a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics.
    • To have received at least 65 points from ALES in the type of program applied for, or to have received an equivalent score from an exam accepted as equivalent by the Higher Education Council.
    • Having an undergraduate GPA of 2.50 and above.


    Graduation Requirements

    To graduate from the master’s program with thesis; at least 7 courses and seminar course must be taken, one of which is scientific research method and publication ethics, provided that not less than 120 ECTS credits in total and The thesis work must be accepted in the defense before the jury.

Son güncelleme tarihi 22 Kasım 2022 Sal., saat 15:42